Epic Twins Porn Filmed On Our Last Day In Paradise - Paradise GFs

Channel: Paradise GFs

WATCH THIS AWE-INSPIRING TWINS PORN FILMED AFTER A NIGHT OF SLUTTY DANCING Sad to say, it’s our last day in tinsel-town, Thailand. After spending the day in cuddling recuperating from the long hot day yesterday, we all decided to head out for a night of dancing and fun. I even told them to behave this time, knowing full well these little trouble makers would wind up making a spectacle of themselves in defiance! Sure enough, my plan worked. By the time we arrived at that club we visited the other night, that Thai dancer girl was already pawing all over my girls and had them up on the stage outshowing even the best girl in the house. Damn. Many a Thai boy went home that night with wood, guaranteed! This was no different at the Hollywood club, either. My god, these girls can sure slut it up! But it was high time we said our goodbyes in the only way we knew how, by speedfasting right to the villa for our very last Twins Porn that we will film together. And believe me, these beautiful babes are sad to see me go. FUCKED THE SWEET LIL’ ASSES RIGHT OFF ‘EM! Back at the villa, the reality of saying goodbye was really setting in. With one kissing me and inviting me to grope her, the other was begging me to fuck her on the spot. Seriously, Nicky and Kitty attacked me… throat-deep… and wanted to make damn good and sure to let every ounce of their sexual attractions to me count. With my dick battling between both their mouths, I soon just could not take it any more and fucked the sweet little asses right off of them. Pretty sure I’m never allowed back at this villa, for my screaming twins enjoyed my cock battering their insides way too much. Worth it just to film this twins porn haha!’ ALL THINGS GOOD MUST CUM TO AN END There does come a time, though, when everything good must come to an end. I’m not sure how it was decided who would be the bearer of my seed but I was soon blasting every ML of sperm I had in me.. all over the first face to take it. And man.. it was satisfying. Now to plan for my next adventure, in paradise!
